Western Acupuncture

Your Mobile Physio is pleased to offer Western Acupuncture as a treatment. Acupuncture is a form of therapy in which hair thin needles are inserted into specific points to create neurophysiological reactions in the body and stimulate a healing effect. Western acupuncture differs from traditional acupuncture as it does not use traditional Chinese medicine assessment methods or theories.
In simple words, acupuncture stimulates the nervous system to cause vasodilation (opening of the blood vessels) and allow new fresh blood to penetrate the underlying tissue bringing with it substances that will aid in healing. The brain also releases natural feel-good hormones and decreases pain in the area. For this reason, acupuncture is seen as a natural therapy for pain relief as opposed to strong unnatural pain killing tablets.

Is Acupuncture Safe?

When needling over the lung, there is a 1 in 70,000 to 1.27million chance the lung may collapse. Your Mobile Physio, therapists, are trained and practice with the highest quality and believe it is very rare to cause such problems.

Are there any side effects?

  • Drowsiness can occur in a small number of patients. This may last for up to half hour. Acupuncture causes the body to decrease blood pressure, heart rate and blood glucose. So please plan to do nothing strenuous or drive if you are affected.
  • Minor bleeding or bruising (3%)
  • Existing symptoms may get worse after treatment (less than 3%). Please tell your therapist about this, but it is usually a good sign.

Is there anything I should tell my physio?

Apart from the usual medical details please let your therapist know if you:

  • Have diabetes
  • Have Cancer
  • Have Hepatitis or Aids
  • Have any artificial implants
  • Are pregnant
  • Have a bleeding disorder

Needles are single-use, sterile and are disposable after every use, so you can ensure this practice is safe. The insertion of the needles is relatively pain-free for most patients, but a patient may experience some discomfort as the needle releases the built-up muscular tension. If the client doesn’t want to proceed with the treatment, the physio will immediately stop. Often after a few minutes, the patient will relax, and the process is usually fine for most.

Only some of our physios practice Western Acupuncture. Please let us know at the time of booking if you wish to have acupuncture done in combination with your therapy so we can assign a physio who is also qualified in acupuncture.


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