Your Mobile Physio offers Dry Needling and Acupuncture to clients across Sydney. Dry needling is another form of therapy that uses hair thin needles which are inserted into dysfunctional tissues in order to restore and maintain function.
The needles are usually inserted into active trigger points, also known as knots, which are extremely tender and can cause referral of pain. For example, a knot in the back of your shoulder blade can cause pain to refer up into your neck and cause headache if it is severe.
The therapist locates the trigger point, inserts a needle into it causing the built up energy to disperse and restore the muscle fibre to its correct length. The therapist may choose to leave the needle in for 5 – 10 minutes if they want to create a greater healing effect. Movement and stretching follows to allow free movement of energy through the muscle.
Needles are single use, sterile and are disposable after every use, so you can ensure this practice is safe. The insertion of the needles is relatively pain free for most patients, but a patient may experience some discomfort as the needle releases the built up muscular tension. In the event that the client doesn’t want to proceed with the treatment, the physio will immediately stop. Often after a few minutes the patient will relax and the process is usually fine for most.
Only some of our physios practice Dry Needling. Please let us know at the time of booking if you wish to have dry needling done in combination with your therapy so we can assign a physio who is also qualified in acupuncture.